The United Nations Statistics Division, in its mission to promote the development of national statistical systems, has developed a central repository of country profiles of statistical systems. The Implications of Turkey's Referendum Election Digest: March 11-31 A Brief Political History of Myanmar IFES. Sitemap | Privacy Policy | Terms and Access the latest politics analysis and economic growth summary through 2011 for Emmanuel Macron, has a comfortable majority in the National Assembly, Country information for France. France joined the Agency in 1996. Use the links below to access the details of France's national contacts, to find out more about Our history in France From the first patent to a global technology powerhouse _____ 1850 Werner von Siemens filed in Paris a first patent for the exploitation of his pointer telegraph. A year later, he presented his thesis on electric telegraphy at the Paris Academy of Sciences 1860s The French healthcare system is lauded as one of the best in the world. France s universal public-private system is characterised high levels of user satisfaction and comparatively low costs as a share of GDP. Virtually the entire population is covered public health insurance, which provides reimbursement for most medical costs. IFAC bears no responsibility for the information provided in the SMO Action Plans prepared IFAC member organizations. Please see our full Disclaimer for Two academics, in a study commissioned President Emmanuel Macron, recommended a process for repatriating artifacts if countries asked Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations using 2013 data, the last year with all data available in March 2018 Notes: Rice production is paddy rice. Import and export figures include husked and milled rice. Legislation, Milling Industry, and Fortification Consequently, although its public debt is among the highest in the eurozone, France will be one of the few countries where the debt does not decline. Make sure to find out the relevant information to make your arrival and stay in France as easy as possible. If you are not an EU, EEA or Swiss national, as a 3 | P a g e Deloitte. 1. Key data National R&D intensity target France has set a national R&D intensity target for 2020 of 3%. In 20111, France's R&D intensity was 2.25%, with an average annual growth rate of 1% over the period 2004-20092 slightly above CCPE country profile France. CCPE member: M. Robert GELLI. Procureur G